Drive Growth as a World-Class Chief Sales Officer

Deliver real, sustainable results to your sales organization

What are the the top challenges for sales leaders?

Sales is changing rapidly and revenue leaders are facing a variety of new challenges. Gartner’s Priorities Navigator for CSOs outlines the top challenges that sales leaders face today.

Use this navigator to uncover CSO priorities across various sales initiatives including:

  • Increasing revenue growth 
  • Improving seller productivity
  • Optimizing operational investments 
  • Attracting and retaining top talent


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    How we address Chief Sales Officers’ challenges

    CSOs are pressed to deliver immediate results but often lack the resources necessary to meet these demands while also building towards future success. Gartner provides robust benchmarks, tactical tools, and peer-sourced best practices to help CSOs make decisions and execute initiatives confidently.

    Go further, faster with trusted advisory services and a CSO Executive Partner

    The Executive Partners (EPs) with Gartner for Chief Sales Officers are a group of highly experienced, former chief sales officers dedicated to enabling revenue leaders like you with cutting-edge research, critical sales leadership insights, peripheral vision and practical tools.

    Their job is to work with you from strategy through execution and beyond to be sure your results are real and sustainable.

    Develop your strategic plan

    Changes in buying behavior have forced CSOs to reexamine their strategic plans. Planning that doesn’t account for these changes leads to wasted investments, limited performance gains and damaged credibility. Gartner helps CSOs tackle the essentials of a successful functional strategic plan.

    Benchmark your top priorities against other chief sales officers 

    Disruptive technologies, changing customer dynamics, and shifting economic conditions mean CSOs must rethink their functional priorities and investments. Benchmark your top priorities against your peers and develop a sales strategy that engages the C-suite and the broader sales force.

    Exclusive content just for chief sales officers

    The Chief Sales Officer is a definitive guide to help you stay ahead of emerging issues. Each quarterly issue focuses on a different theme. From insights on navigating a pending economic downturn, to interviews with the most progressive CSOs in the field, The Chief Sales Officer breaks down the latest insights and best practices to help you drive them to practical execution.

    The Gartner Sales Podcast

    Betsy Gregory-Hosler and Billy Luckey sit down with leading experts across Gartner and beyond to highlight important implications and unexpected findings for senior sales leaders from across the company’s vast range of cuttingedge research.

    Explore what Gartner for Sales can do for you

    Gartner CSO & Sales Leader Conference

    Connect with the leading CSOs and sales leaders to get the latest insights on sales technology, sales enablement and more.

    Gartner is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 15,000 enterprises in 100+ countries.

    Gartner for Sales provides sales leaders with the insights, advice and tools they need to address their mission-critical priorities.